Slow file upload on OS X server

I have a rails app running on an OS X server, using nginx as the web
proxying to a mongrel cluster. File uploads from the user’s browser are
painfully slow when going through nginx, but if I target an individual
mongrel instance in the browser, the file upload is fast. I have the
mac ports version of nginx installed (0.54, I believe).

Any ideas? I tried changing the log format, as suggested in a reply to
someone else’s post, but could not get nginx to start, so I don’t know
nginx has to be compiled with a particular flag in order to include the
format config directive in nginx.conf.

Any help, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Jamey C.

On Dec 21, 2007 10:28 AM, Jamey C. [email protected] wrote:

Any help, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Jamey C.

Try turning sendfile off in the config.


no sendfile on os x

Well, I turned off sendfile in config. I also changed a bunch of
per an email I received from Dave C. (thanks Dave!). No luck.

Just for laughs, I installed and configured Swiftiply with Mongrel and
turned off Nginx. Same issue.

So, then I turned off Swiftiply also and started just one mongrel and
it to listen on port 80. It worked great. File uploads were much

So, if I am having the same issue when proxying from either Swiftiply or
Nginx, but I don’t have the slowness issue when I don’t proxy and just
straight to the mongrel instance, this tells me the problem is not with
Nginx, but must be some setting on the OS X server.

Does anyone know what would cause proxying in general to be slow on an
server? I know its not the network speed from the browser to the
because when I was connecting directly to the mongrel instance without
proxying, file uploads were fine.

Sorry for asking this (probably) non-nginx related question on the list,
I started it here, so I figured I would ask one more question.


Jamey C.

Ok, I compiled nginx from scratch so I could include the with-debug
What happens is that I click on the submit button and the error.log
nginx cranking through the same messages, which I will show below.
After a
minute or so, it finally starts uploading the file. I have copied the
part of the debug messages that show it cranking (and not doing
after I clicked on the upload button, and then the log shows the first
of when it finally starts uploading. Does the fact that it keeps
“accept mutex lock failed” and then finally, when it starts uploading,
shows “accept mutex locked”, does this mean anything?

Here is the snippet from the log file:

2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22764#0: worker cycle
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22766#0: accept mutex lock failed: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22764#0: accept mutex lock failed: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22766#0: kevent timer: 500, changes: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22764#0: kevent timer: 500, changes: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22766#0: kevent events: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22766#0: timer delta: 500
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22764#0: kevent events: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22766#0: posted events 00000000
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22764#0: timer delta: 500
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22766#0: worker cycle
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22764#0: posted events 00000000
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22766#0: accept mutex lock failed: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22764#0: worker cycle
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22766#0: kevent timer: 500, changes: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22764#0: accept mutex lock failed: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:10 [debug] 22764#0: kevent timer: 500, changes: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22766#0: kevent events: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22766#0: timer delta: 500
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22766#0: posted events 00000000
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22766#0: worker cycle
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22764#0: kevent events: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22764#0: timer delta: 500
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22764#0: posted events 00000000
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22764#0: worker cycle
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22764#0: accept mutex lock failed: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22764#0: kevent timer: 500, changes: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22766#0: accept mutex lock failed: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22766#0: kevent timer: 500, changes: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: kevent events: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: timer delta: 65000
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: *4 event timer del: 10: 828555818
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: *4 http keepalive handler
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: *4 close http connection: 10
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: *4 free: 00000000
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: *4 free: 00000000
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: *4 free: 00000000
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: *4 free: 00000000
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: *4 free: 00500510, unused: 48
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: posted events 00000000
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: worker cycle
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: accept mutex locked
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: kevent timer: -1, changes: 0
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: kevent events: 1
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: kevent: 7: ft:-1 fl:0005
d:1 ud:002C3000
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: post event 002C3000
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: timer delta: 10
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: posted event 002C3000
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: delete posted event 002C3000
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: accept on, ready: 1
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: malloc: 00500510:256
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: *7 accept: fd:10
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: *7 event timer add: 10:
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: *7 kevent set event: 10: ft:-1
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: posted event 00000000
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: posted events 00000000
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: worker cycle
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: accept mutex locked
2007/12/31 10:07:11 [debug] 22765#0: kevent timer: 60000, changes: 1

How slow is it?
I use OS X and nginx as a frontend, but not to mongrel. File uploading
fine for me.

Jamey C. ha scritto:

I have a rails app running on an OS X server, using nginx as the web
server, proxying to a mongrel cluster. File uploads from the user’s
browser are painfully slow when going through nginx, but if I target an
individual mongrel instance in the browser, the file upload is fast. I
have the latest mac ports version of nginx installed ( 0.54, I believe).

Any ideas?


Are you sure that it is “globally” slower?

nginx will first read the entire request body, and then will send the
data to the proxy.

Regards Manlio P.