I updated the slideshow and removed some (optional) dependencies
used for syntax highlighting[1] and now the slideshow gem works
out-of-the-box with JRuby.
Just issue:
$ jruby -S gem install slideshow
or similar resulting in:
Successfully installed RedCloth-4.1.1-universal-java
Successfully installed BlueCloth-1.0.0
Successfully installed slideshow-0.7.4
3 gems installed
To create a slide show (S5, S6, FullerScreen) etc. issue, for example:
$ jruby -S slideshow jruby
Resulting in
Slide Show (S9) Version: 0.7.4 on Ruby 1.8.6 (2008-12-17) [java]
Loading template manifest s6.txt…
Preparing slideshow ‘jruby’…
Preparing jruby.svg…
Loading template gradient.svg.erb…
Preparing jruby.html…
Loading template header.html.erb…
Loading template footer.html.erb…
Preparing jruby.css…
Loading template style.css.erb…
You can find the sample slideshow-gem-generated all-in-one-web-page
presentation (w/ three stylesheets and modes, that is, projection,
outline and print) online at:
It’s an adapted S6/S9 version of the “JRuby: Ready for Action”,
EuRuKo 2008 talk by Charles Oliver N. and Thomas E…
S6/S9 tip: Use the T key to toggle between outline and
projection/presentation mode.
[1] The Ultraviolet syntax highlighting gem requires a pre-installed
Oniguruma regex engine in C, for example.
PS: what’s Slide Show (S9)?
A Ruby gem that lets you create slide shows and author slides in plain
text using a wiki-style markup language that’s easy-to-write and
easy-to-read. The Slide Show (S9) project also collects and welcomes
themes and ships “out-of-the-gem” with built-in support for
“loss-free” gradient vector graphics themes and more.
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