I’ve added two new options to make it easier to use your own slide
show templates (to change lets say the encoding in the template).
The new -g/–generate option lets you generate the slide show
templates (using the slide show templates packaged with the gem) e.g.
slideshow -g
Resulting in:
Slide Show (S9) Version: 0.6 on Ruby 1.8.6
Copying ‘templates/s6/header.html.erb’ to ‘header.html.erb’
Copying ‘templates/s6/footer.html.erb’ to ‘footer.html.erb’
Copying ‘templates/s6/style.css.erb’ to ‘style.css.erb’
Copying ‘templates/gradient.svg.erb’ to ‘gradient.svg.erb’
Note, by default S9 generates S6 templates. If you want to generate
S5 or FullerScreen templates add the -s5 or -f/–fullerscreen switch
slideshow -g -s5
slideshow -g -f
To use your own slide show templates instead of the built-in use the
new load path -i/–include option e.g. Use:
slideshow -i . microformats
slideshow -i ~/s9/summer microformats
The slideshow gem will use the slide show templates in your working
Slide Show (S9) Version: 0.6 on Ruby 1.8.6
Loading custom template ./header.html.erb…
Loading custom template ./footer.html.erb…
Loading custom template ./style.css.erb…
Loading custom template ./gradient.svg.erb…
Preparing slideshow theme ‘microformats.svg’…
Preparing slideshow ‘microformats.html’…
Preparing slideshow stylesheet ‘microformats.css’…
That’s it. Questions and comments welcome. Send them along to the S5,
S6, S9 and friends web slide show forum/mailing list @
PS: What’s Slide Show (S9)?
A Ruby gem that lets you create slide shows and author slides in
plain text using a wiki-style markup language that’s easy-to-write and
easy-to-read. The Slide Show (S9) project also collects and welcomes
themes and ships “out-of-the-gem” with built-in support for
“loss-free” gradient vector graphics themes. More @