Slide Show (S9) Gem Now Supports Syntax Highlighting and Headers for Gradients, Title, etc


I’ve published an update to Slide Show (S9) - a Ruby gem that lets
you create slide shows and author slides in plain text using a
wiki-style markup language that’s easy-to-write and easy-to-read.

What’s new?

The Slide Show (S9) gem now supports headers that let you set
options in your source e.g. use

title: Microformats - Adding Semantics to Your Web S. - Web 3.0 in

to set the web page title. Use

gradient-colors: green lime
gradient-colors: #0e1f5b #3b5998
gradient: top-bottom black grey

to set the style and/or colors for your gradient background theme.


code-theme: blackboard
code-line-numbers: false

to select the Ultraviolet syntax highlighting theme and turn off
line numbering. Thanks to zimbatm (*1) for sending in patches for
fixing the slideshow gem executable on Unix and on getting started
with syntax highlighting using the Ultraviolet (*2) gem.

To use/turn on the experimental syntax highlighting in your slide
shows specify the language using #! ruby after the code block e.g.:

puts “syntaxes:”
puts Uv.syntaxes.join( ", " )

puts “themes:”
puts Uv.themes.join( ", " )

Finally, I’ve created a new mailing list/forum for free web slide
show alternatives such as S5, S9, FullerScreen and friends. Join us @

Find out more about the Slide Show (S9) gem @




To test the new code syntax highlighting machinery powered by the
Ultraviolet (Uv) gem I have create a mini slideshow tutorial. For your
enjoyment I have included some “Rubyize this” examples - the 5th
Edition from RubyFleebie and the RubyCamp 2008 Vancouver Edition. To
show syntax highlighting for other languages than Ruby I have added
some Hello World samples from Ada, C, Erlang to Java and PHP.

More @
The textile source resides @

Questions? Comments? Send them along to the Free Web Slide Show
Alternatives - S5, S9, FullerScreen and Friends forum @


PS: S9 Bonus Tip: Replace .html with .svg to check your background
gradient theme in your browser. Try (Note, better browsers such
as Firefox, Opera, etc. required with built-in vector graphics