Is there anyone on this group who thinks they are a Ruby programmer and
Ruby as their first computer language?
I can pick up a book on any language and follow it except Ruby. And
Ruby tutorials or books will say they assume the reader has computer
And I once wrote a 70 page VB program that is still being used by the
State of Ca
after 15 years.
If a book doesn’t say it they assume it anyway by the third chapter even
the “beginning” books.
I have come to the conclusion that Ruby is a programming language only
experienced computer programmers. So far.
If there is one person that answers yes then I will have hope.
Would any kind soul (ie programmer) want to joint venture on writing a
course for non-programmers?
I would do the writing, PDFing and of course the beta testing. I have
the desire to learn and the
non-knowledge necessary. I wrote one technical manual and edited one
training video.
I will pay the hosting fees to sell the course and I would like to do it
by goals.
Each session will have a goal. If the student cannot achieve this goal
they could get a refund.
I have no idea on what to charge, something to discuss. I would like to
have a quality product so my first thought is $50 per goal. If there
were such a product I would buy it and not write it.
It would not be one massive book or tutorial. We would do one goal at a
time, after each one we market it and move on to the next one.
I am in the So Calif area.
I know there have been a few on this group who would benefit from this.
you can respond to me at
ez24hours @ yahoo dot
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