I have a reverse proxy with nginx + thin, and it works great.
My problem is redirection to any controller when I’m under “https”. It
will redirect to “http”.
For example i’m on https://example.com
then I use
redirect “/view”
and I’m redirected to http://example.com/view
I’ve been searching but can’t find anything.
I’ve solved this issue by using this configuration:
location / {
proxy_pass http://balancer;
proxy_redirect default;
proxy_redirect http:// https://;
that way Location http://… changes to Location https://… when the
port used is 443.
On 26 December 2010 01:31, Javier 12 [email protected] wrote:
I’ve solved this issue by using this configuration:
Nice to know that you solved it, but being a Rails list, this is
probably the wrong place to be asking.
Check out: http://groups.google.com/group/sinatrarb
Merry Christmas,
On Dec 26, 12:25am, Javier 12 [email protected] wrote:
I have a reverse proxy with nginx + thin, and it works great.
My problem is redirection to any controller when I’m under “https”. It
will redirect to “http”.
Sounds like sinatra doesn’t know it’s being connected to over https
(since nginx handles all of that for you), whereas it needs to in
order to be able to construct the correct URL
You can do this with something like proxy_set_header X-FORWARDED_PROTO