Is there a way to freeze instance variables in Ruby in order to make
them single assignment? I’m just wondering if there’s a way to simulate
Erlang in this regard as a way to avoid side effects.
I don’t want to simply not define (or undefine) a setter method because
you could still get at the instance variable via instance_variable_set.
Redefining instance_variable_set won’t work either, because that method
is apparently not called when performing direct assignment of instance
variables. I tried calling the freeze method on the instance variables
directly but that didn’t seem to work either.
Is it possible?
On 5/17/07, Daniel B. [email protected] wrote:
Do it differently:
require ‘digest/md5’
class Module
def erl_accessor(*names)
names.each do |name|
var = “@_#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(rand(65536).to_s + name.to_s)}”
define_method(name) { || instance_variable_get(var) }
define_method(“#{name}=”) { |v|
instance_variables.include? var and raise “Cannot change
instance_variable_set(var, v)
class Foo; erl_accessor :bar, :baz; end
foo = Foo.new
foo.bar = 5
Since your actual instance variables aren’t related to the names, you
can only access through accessors.
Austin Z. schrieb:
instance_variables.include? var and raise "Cannot change
instance_variable_set(var, v)
What about Thread safety here?
I think you would have do lock before the variable is tested.
If another thread were to assign the same variable
just after the test and before the last line is executed,
then other assignment would be lost, wouldn’t it?
I stumbled over this, because this issue also came up
with my proposal of a “growth-allowing freeze”-state of objects.
On May 17, 2007, at 6:10 PM, Daniel B. wrote:
performing direct assignment of instance variables. I tried calling
the freeze method on the instance variables directly but that
didn’t seem to work either.
Is it possible?
cfp:~/src/ruby/ > cat a.rb
class Class
def fattr a, &b
define_method(a){ instance_eval &b }
class C
fattr(:a){ 40 }
fattr(:b){ a + 2 }
c = C.new
p c.b
cfp:~/src/ruby/ > ruby a.rb
with this approach there is simply no variable to modify - it exists
only through closure. i know someone could hack in some crazy
Binding.of_caller thing to munge the closure, but it would be very
kind regards.
ara.t.howard schrieb:
c = C.new
p c.b
=> 42
with this approach there is simply no variable to modify - it exists
only through closure.
But a method to modify:
class C
fattr(:b){ 17 }
p c.b # => 17
Or did I get something wrong?
On May 19, 2007, at 10:46 AM, Sven S. wrote:
fattr(:b){ a + 2 }
p c.b # => 17
Or did I get something wrong?
yes of course. and we also have ‘remove_const :C’ which allows us to
replace the class wholesale, and this line of reasoning extends all
the way up in ruby. still - my approach does, in fact, prevent
modifying instance vars; the fact that the class itself can stiff be
modified (by adding methods) may or may not be an issue. perhaps
enclosed attributes and C.freeze and (class << C;self;end).freeze
would be sufficient.
ara.t.howard wrote:
because you could still get at the instance variable via
fattr(:a){ 40 }
with this approach there is simply no variable to modify - it exists
only through closure. i know someone could hack in some crazy
Binding.of_caller thing to munge the closure, but it would be very painful.
kind regards.
Ara, Austin - thanks for the respsonses. Both are interesting
However, I think I’m going to try digging into the opaque objects behind
the scenes via DL and see if I can’t do something more directly. Perhaps
I’ll contribute that back to evil.rb. 
I think what you want is a constant:
class Foo
def initialize
sc.const_set(:FOO, 42)
def foo
puts sc::FOO
def sc
class << self; self; end
Foo.new.foo #=> 42
(I wish it were possible to use just FOO instead of sc::FOO, but
constant lookup in ruby is static).
I like Ara’s method too. I wouldn’t have considered it.