if in rails 2.3 we can use this syntax
map.connect ’ ', :controller => ‘people’, :action => ‘action’
the result it will simplify from
http://localhost:3000/people/action to http://localhost:3000/
but in rails 3.2, we can’t use map.connect right?
i try to use :
match ’ people/action ’ => ’ people # action ', as: ‘shows’
the result, it just only generate for paths and url… the url still the
do anyone know how to do it??
radical wrote in post #1069978:
if in rails 2.3 we can use this syntax
map.connect ’ ', :controller => ‘people’, :action => ‘action’
the result it will simplify from
http://localhost:3000/people/action to http://localhost:3000/
but in rails 3.2, we can’t use map.connect right?
i try to use :
match ’ people/action ’ => ’ people # action ', as: ‘shows’
If you create a new Rails 3.2 app and look at the config/routes.rb file
you’ll lots of examples of route mappings. Including this one…
You can have the root of your site routed with “root”
just remember to delete public/index.html.
root :to => ‘welcome#index’
I think my topic title might be wrong due to my bad english…
actually, i try to change the change the url from
http://localhost:3000/people/l http://localhost:3000/people/actionist
and not to set a root for website
if in rails 2.3
map.connect ‘Person’ , :controller=> ‘people’, :action => ‘list’
the result it change url from
ist to http://localhost:3000/ http://localhost:3000/people/action
if in rails 3.2??
i already know how to used it…
they just rename the ‘map.connect’ to ‘match’… lol
so we just need to use this code
match ‘Person’ , :controller=> ‘people’, :action => ‘list’