A start at writing a SimpleTree class that holds both a TreeStore and
a TreeView and simplifies a lot of common cases. Also provides direct
access to the store and the view if you want to do something more
complicated. Still needs a lot of work, but I thought I’d get some
reactions and suggestions before anything got too set in stone. Right
now there’s barely enough of it to run the example from
Code attached, but here’s the interesting part:
define the tree
s = Gtk::SimpleTree.new([String, String, Integer],
[“First Name”, 0],
[“Last Name”, 1,
{:weight => Pango::FontDescription::WEIGHT_BOLD}],
[“Age”, format_age, {:foreground => “red”}],
[“Age”, simple_age])
define the initial data
treedata = [
[‘Maria’, ‘Incognito’],
[‘Jane’, ‘Average’, 1962,
[‘Janinita’, ‘Average’, 1985]]]
s.sel_mode = :none
(the additional column with the ‘simple_age’ proc is to demonstrate a
simplified one-argument callback)