I am starting to look into building a feedback controller, which takes
the position of the particle and outputs a suitable control signal. The
controller itself will most likely be a tabulated function, which we can
implement using a lookup table. However, I am having trouble getting a
basic signal echo going. I have installed GNU radio as well as the
Quartus compiler and worked through compiling and running the top level
std_usrp project.
As a next step, I am trying to modify the USRP FPGA Verilog code to
build a simple signal echo. The Verilog code is extremely simple in this
case. I started by modifying to top level usrp_std.v and simply mapped
the input rx_a_a and rx_b_a onto tx_a and tx_b, cutting out all the
other extraneous code pertaining to the USB. The essence of the Verilog
code is: Create two registers to drive the output wires and echo the
output at the positive edge of the clock. This code compiles without
errors in Quartus (although this doesn’t necessarily imply that it
should work).
reg lTXA;
reg lTXB;
assign tx_a = lTXA;
assign tx_b = lTXB;
always @(posedge clk64)
lTXA = rx_a_a;
lTXB = rx_b_a;
However, I am not sure how to setup the python code to get this to
successfully run. The code snippet below doesn’t seem to do the trick.
src = usrp.source_c(which=0, decim_rate=64, nchan=2, mode=0,
dst = usrp.sink_c(which=0, nchan=2)
self.connect (src, dst)
Can someone point me in the right direction with this? Also, I haven’t
found a simple “hello, world!” example to modify the FPGA code. Does
such an example exist? If it doesn’t, I will be happy to get this to a
point where it is usable and submit it back to the community. I think it
may be useful for others like myself who are new to Verilog/FPGAs and
may provide an easier entry point to start modifying the FPGA code.
Arvind Balijepalli
100 Bureau Drive, Mail Stop 8212
Gaithersburg, MD 20899