Simple Ruby Calculator & Function Problems - Help!

The script bellow (Ruby 1.9.3p484 on windows 7) is running OK, but I’m
having a (simple?) problem; It’s not prepared to accept parenthesis in a
formula to calc… I’ve been trying a lot of search in the net but I’m
still not able to solve the problem. Would anyone, please, give me a
hand, or a hint?

def is_number? expr
return false if expr.nil?
expr = “#{expr}” # we need this condition in case the
expr is a number
expr.match /^(\d+|\d+.\d+)$/ # since match() is defined only for

def is_number? expr
return false if expr.nil?
expr = “#{expr}” # we need this condition in case the
# expr is a number
expr.match /^(\d+|\d+.\d+)$/ # since match() is defined only for

def calc(expr)
return expr.to_f if is_number? expr
expr.gsub!(" “,”") # clean the string from whitespaces pay attention

to the order: + and - should come before * and / can you figure out


arr = expr.split /+/
return arr.inject(){|x,y| calc(x) + calc(y) } if arr.size > 1
arr = expr.split /-/
return arr.inject(){|x,y| calc(x) - calc(y) } if arr.size > 1
arr = expr.split /*/
return arr.inject(){|x,y| calc(x) * calc(y) } if arr.size > 1
arr = expr.split ///
return arr.inject(){|x,y| calc(x) / calc(y) } if arr.size > 1

print "Formula to calc: "
puts calc(gets)