Simple Rake question

Newbie question but here goes:

Isn’t rake supposed to automatically search the lib/tasks subdirectory
for Rake files/tasks?

I have a task called “do_this.rake” in file foo.rake in lib/tasks/rails

  • how do I invoke it from the command line in the root directory of my
    Rails application?

Presuming I have a file called “Rakefile” in the root directory of my
Rails application, is there something special that needs to be in it?

Thanks for any help…


On Jun 5, 2006, at 09:32 AM, Mark W. wrote:

my Rails application, is there something special that needs to be
in it?

Can you post your take declaration line, from that .rake file?
That’s where you will find how you are supposed to refer to your
custom Rake task. Also, I’m not sure you should be placing thing
deeper than the lib/tasks directory. I don’t know if Rake is doing a
recursive search for .rake files.
