I’m just getting started with Rails, and as a simple task I wanted to
rehost my website from bare html/apache to Rails.
What’s a typical name for the controller for the main page of the
website? Rails wants to pluralize it be default… Normally I’d name
it after
the table in the database it relates to, but for our web site, with no
database behind it, that just doesn’t seem correct.
On Sep 30, 2011, at 1:22 PM, [email protected] wrote:
I’m just getting started with Rails, and as a simple task I wanted to
rehost my website from bare html/apache to Rails.
What’s a typical name for the controller for the main page of the
website? Rails wants to pluralize it be default… Normally I’d name
it after
the table in the database it relates to, but for our web site, with no
database behind it, that just doesn’t seem correct.
Ryan B. has a Railscast about this, showing you how to go from static
file service to files plus database for these sorts of “static” pages.
What I have done in the past is to create a PagesController (empty), and
then place my static pages in the views/pages folder. They Just Work
from there. If you fiddle the routing, you can remove the /pages/
segment from the URL, too.
Should be, I just did something following that recipe for my wife’s
site. It’s a combo static/dynamic Rails 3.0.10 site.
Nice tip - thanks. I notice that Ryan uses this in his routes file:
map.with_options :controller => ‘info’ do |info|
info.about ‘about’, :action => ‘about’
info.contact ‘contact’, :action => ‘contact’
info.privacy ‘privacy’, :action => ‘privacy’
Is that still valid in a 3.0/3.1 Rails environment?
Technically I think it should still work but it’s even easier in 3
match ‘about’, :to => ‘info#about’, :as => :about
match ‘contact’, :to => ‘info#contact’, :as => :contact
match ‘privacy’, :to => ‘info#privacy’, :as => :privacy