Just a small addition to my previous email. If you also want to see,
from the result, whether user 1 initiated the friendship (i.e. where
uid1=1), you could use the following SQL statement:
(SELECT uid2 AS uid, status, 1 AS initiated FROM friendships WHERE uid1
= 1) UNION (SELECT uid1,status,0 FROM friendships WHERE uid2 = 1)
This would give you the following result (using same data as below):
Uid, status, initiated
2,“best friend”,1
Where initiated=1 are the ones with uid1=1 and initiated=0 are the ones
with uid2=1
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] P vegne af Brynjolfur
Sendt: 21. december 2011 13:02
Til: [email protected]
Emne: SV: [Rails] Simple friendship table
Hi, you only need one entry per friendship (where, for extra
functionality, the first id could always be the one who initiated the
Friendships table could be something like have (uid1, uid2, status).
Probably put first two as primary key.
To find ids of all friends of user 1 you would do :
(SELECT uid2 AS uid, status FROM friendships WHERE uid1 = 1) UNION
(SELECT uid1,status FROM friendships WHERE uid2 = 1)
This would return a set of rows with columns (uid, status) for all
friends of user 1. If you have:
1,2,“best friend”
3,7,“barely met”
The above select would return:
Uid, status
2,“best friend”
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] P vegne af Fresh M.
Sendt: 21. december 2011 12:04
Til: [email protected]
Emne: [Rails] Simple friendship table
Users (id, name, sex)
Friendships (user_id, friend_id, status)
If user(1) and user(2) are friends shoud I add two rows into friendships
1, 2, “best friends”
2, 1, “best friends”
Or is it enough to have one of these rows? Select * from friendships
where user_id = 2 or friend_id = 2 ???
But if I have only one friendship row and I need to list all friens of
user(2) How can I do it? I don’t know which one “user_id” or “friend_id”
is needed “data”.
Of course, I can check: IF search_id != friend_id print
(friend_id).user.name ELSE print (user_id).user.name But it is slow and
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