Hi folks,
I’ve done this a few ways that have all seemed a bit ‘nobby’ so was
just wondering if there is a recommended way to achieve the following:
I have 2 models, ‘customers’ and ‘sites’ which are connected with a
has_many/belongs_to relationship.
I have the scaffold form which creates customers, which is as desired,
but I ONLY want to be able to create a site after going through
the :show page of a customer and selecting an ‘Add new Site’ link.
To do this, I can obviously just provide a link_to to the sites/new
controller, but I need to pre-populate the sites ‘customer_id’ field,
without displaying this in a way that could be manipulated (e.g. in
the URL as a parameter).
Unfortunately, I do need the ‘sites’ form to be on a separate page to
the customer show page, otherwise it would have been very easy.
Is there a better solution that POSTing to the site form with the
values from the :show page, to then POST to the create method?
Really appreciate any pointers on this,