Simple check_box


I’m trying create a simple check_box that if checked include a
hidden_field, but I haven’t success.

Something like this:

<%= check_box_tag(:patrono, value = “1”, checked = false, options =
{}) %>
<%= f.label “Patrono” %>
<% if :patrono.checked == true %>
<%= f.hidden_field “tipo_componente_ids][”, { :id =>
“tipo_componente_ids”, :value => } %>
<% end %>

Thanks for help!


You have to write javascript function within the check_box_tag in order
to verify whether the checkbox is checked or not and then enable the
hidden field if it is checked.

Saravanan K


use jQuery and then

= f.hidden_field_tag “hidden_field”, “value”, { :id => “hidden_field”}
= f.check_box_tag “name”, 1,false, {:id => “my_checkbox”}

jQuery(‘#my_checkbox’).bind(‘click’, function() {

when field is disabled, it’s not taken into account when form is sent

PS: if not using jQuery, it’s simple to do with DOM too, just add
:onClick=‘disableField()’ to the checkbox and
function disableField() {
document.getElementById(‘hidden_field’).disabled =
return false;


On May 19, 2011, at 14:15 , Eric M. wrote:

<% if :patrono.checked == true %>

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