I’m working on a project in which Accounts belong to a User.
I’d like the User’s Welcome page to show who else has the same Accounts
(based on account name) as that user.
What I tried to do was place a SQL query inside a for loop, such that
the loop would go through the session User’s accounts and check, in
turn, for all similarly named accounts in the Accounts table.
I think that there must be something wrong with my code; right now,
it’s as follows:
<%@session['user'].accounts.each do |i| %>
<%Accounts.find(:all, conditions = ["coursename LIKE ?",
<%= account.name %>
<%= account.number %>
<%= account.user_id%>
<% end %>
I’m new to Ruby, so I think syntax is the most likely culprit here.
Unfortunately, while it’s now showing accounts, it’s now showing every
single account. I’d just like it to show accounts with the same name as
the session user’s.