Showing options on radio button click


I have four radio buttons, each mutually exclusive. I want to show a
div area somewhere else on the page when one of these radio buttons is
clicked. I know how to do that in HTML - how do I do that in rails?
Here’s one of my radio buttons:

<%= f.radio_button (:goaltype_id, 1) %>  One-Time

Thank you very much in advance!


Hi Mike,

Miked wrote:

I want to show a div area somewhere else on the page when one of these
radio buttons is clicked.

If you’re talking about an Ajax-style update, as a first step, you
take a look at the form types that do that (i.e., submit using
XMLHttpRequest). From there, updating a specific div on a page is
much a slam dunk using RJS. I strongly recommend Cody F.'s RJS
on O’Reilly to get your feet wet in that area. Best $10 you’ll spend on
learning Rails.


Hi Bill:

Thanks so much for your reply. I was looking into the XMLHttpRequest
but I’m not finding in the rails api. I definitely want to use the
ajax method. I’ve only seen it attached to a submit tag though - can I
use it with a radio button as well? Definitely something I want to
do. I’m also going to use that book - it looks great, but no time for
that until the weekend!

So here’s the code:

<% form_remote_tag :url => { :action => :goaltype, :id => product } do
<%= f.radio_button (“Goal”, “radio”, “onetime”)
%>  One-Time

<% end %>

And then the RJS code:

page.replace_html(“goaltype” , :partial => “goal_type”)

But what happens in the controller method, since all I really want it
to do is render the partial?

Thanks again.
