Show DIV from controller

Hi, I’ve got a basic question but I just can’t find a way or example to
do it.

I have a DIV in my rhtml:

Some text about errors

What I’d like to do is to make it visible from the controller.

I’ve tried things like page[:error_div].show but that complains about
undefined page…

What would be the way to do that simple thing?


Use ‘render :update’ in your controller action:

render :update do |page|
# manipulate page here

Stefan L. wrote:

Use ‘render :update’ in your controller action:

render :update do |page|
# manipulate page here

Hi, thanks Stefan. I actually tried that and now I’m sure that was the
right direction.

The problem is that when that is executed I get a windows dialog asking
me to download a file. The file contents are:

try { $(“error_div”).show();} catch (e) { alert(‘RJS error:\n\n’ +
e.toString()); alert(’$(“error_div”).show();’); throw e }

I run the browser in RadRails - Aptana IDE and I guess that uses
Explorer. Might be a setting in the browser (?)


Without seeing your code I am just guessing here, but make sure your
link_to_remote (or other remote call) does not contain the :update =>
some_id option. If it does, the rjs won’t be executed by the browser.



here’s what I have.

1- A simple view where there’s a form. When I click create button it
will execute the function in the controller. That page also contains the
div “error_div” that I want to make visible if there are some errors.

<%= start_form_tag({ :action => ‘create’ }, :multipart => true) %>
<%= render :partial => ‘form’ %>

<%= submit_tag "Create" %>

<%= end_form_tag %>

Error message

2- The controller will execute the create function. What I do there is
checking some of the fields in the form. If there is a problem with
those I just want to show up the error_div.

def create
if check_parameters_for_new_tab() == -1
puts “returned error -1”
render :update do |page|
# render :action => ‘new’

(I had some problems with validates_presence_of that’s Why I decided to
check the form myself…)

3- The partial is shown next in case you wonder what it contains…

Mandatory fields

<%= text_field 'tab', 'name' %>

<%= text_field 'tab', 'palo' %>

Tab Picture
<%= file_field_tag "tab_picture" %>

Tab Audio
<%= file_field_tag "tab_audio" %>

Thanks for checking.

That won’t work because the form is being submitted through a standard
post rather than an xhr call. Take a look at the api docs for
form_remote_tag at


In your controller, if your object is not valid, just render the action
again. In the view, add an if around the div or set a variable equal to
‘hidden’ or ‘visible’ and use it directly in your style tag. That would
only display the div if there are errors. Slightly dirty, but it will


William P. wrote:

That won’t work because the form is being submitted through a standard
post rather than an xhr call. Take a look at the api docs for
form_remote_tag at


Thanks again Bill. I tried to use form_remote_tag and for a moment I
though it would do it. However I found out that it is not possible to
upload files (multipart is not working). And one of the fields contains
a binary file. So, I’m back at the beginning. There’s some option to use
hidden frames to make uploads with AJAX, but I don’t want to rewrite

validates_presence_of is able to toggle a div and change its contents.
Any ideas where I can see how that is done there?


Check out the blog post at CodeFU:

I’ve tried a few plugins to do ajax-like file upload but this simple,
clean approach has been the best so far.

On Nov 25, 4:27 pm, comopasta Gr [email protected]

William P. wrote:

set a variable equal to ‘hidden’ or ‘visible’

Excellent! That’s making the trick perfectly. Thanks!

I’ll check those plugins once I move to a more “AJAXized” version I am
