Show all children of object

I have an index page of ‘objects A’ who each have many of another
‘object B’.

I want to have a link that will open a popup and list all the object
B’s of an object A.

I have this:

<%= link_to( “details of object B”,
{ :controller=>“objectA”, :action=>“showObjectBs”, :ObjectA =>
ObjectA}, { :popup=>[‘ObjectBs’,
‘height=600,width=650,location=no,scrollbars=yes’]} ) %>

and then in the action showObjectBs in the Object A controller:

def showObjectBs
@ObjectBs = ObjectB.find(:all, :conditions => [‘objectA_id’ ==])

respond_to do |format|
  format.html # show.html.erb
  format.xml  { render :xml => @objectB}


but I get an error:

ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in ObjectAsController#show

Couldn’t find ObjectA with ID=showObjectBs

ES wrote:

I have an index page of ‘objects A’ who each have many of another
‘object B’.

I want to have a link that will open a popup and list all the object
B’s of an object A.

class A
has_many :bs

class B
belongs_to :a

def b_popup
@a = A.find(params[:id])
@bs =

(A index view)
{:controller => ‘as’,
:action => ‘b_popup’,
:id =>},
{:popup => [your stuff here]})

make sure your route in the link_to is available in routes.rb via
map.resources for your object A

It seems you have 3 problems with your snippets :
First you need to find objectA in your database to use it
Then the conditions in the find method doesn’t seem correct
Finally you’ve forgottent an ‘s’ at the end of @objectB
(And the naming convention you’re using is not correct but that’s not
the problem)

So try with this instead :

def showObjectBs
@ObjectA = ObjectA.find(params[:id])
@ObjectBs = ObjectB.find(:all, :conditions => [‘objectA_id ?’,])

respond_to do |format|
  format.html # show.html.erb
  format.xml  { render :xml => @objectBs}


Le 06/04/2010 18:29, ES a écrit :

ObjectA}, { :popup=>[‘ObjectBs’,
format.html # show.html.erb

Aurélien AMILIN

AMILIN Aurélien wrote:

So try with this instead :

def showObjectBs
@ObjectA = ObjectA.find(params[:id])
@ObjectBs = ObjectB.find(:all, :conditions => [‘objectA_id ?’,])

respond_to do |format|
  format.html # show.html.erb
  format.xml  { render :xml => @objectBs}


You should also fix your variable names. The standard ruby convention
for variable names is all lower case with underscores separating words.
Same goes for method names:

def show_object_bs
@object_a = ObjectA.find(params[:id])
@object_bs = ObjectB.find(:all, :conditions => [‘object_a_id ?’,]


Notice also that class names begin with upper case, and use camel case
to separate words.