Setting Windows Enviroment in Ruby Script

I need to set the following windows environment variable at the
beginning of my script:

set http_proxy=

This works from the command line if I run this command from the CLI
right before I run my script but when I try to shell out and the run
command like this from my ruby script:

`set http_proxy=`

The environmental variable never gets set.

What is the best way to set an environmental variable in Windows from



On 18.12.2009 18:24, jackster the jackle wrote:

The environmental variable never gets set.

What is the best way to set an environmental variable in Windows from

“set” only sets a variable for the process that invokes “set”:

Quoth Microsoft:
“Use the set command to create, change, delete, or display environment
variables. The set command alters variables in the current shell
environment only.”[0]

So, your variable gets set, but since the cmd shell expires, it takes
the environment variable with it.

You could try setting the variable in the Registry, but I advise against
it (not a robust solution for something that is intended to be
temporary, and it needs administration privileges).

You could define a Constant in Ruby, though, if only your Ruby script
needs it, like so:
HTTP_PROXY = your_proxy_ip_address

On Dec 18, 2:24 pm, jackster the jackle [email protected] wrote:

I need to set the following windows environment variable at the
beginning of my script:

set http_proxy=

ENV[‘http_proxy’] = “

That will set the environment variable for your current process and
also will be transfered to the child process spawned by it.

Thanks alot for the help Luis…that worked perfectly for what I needed.


Luis L. wrote:

On Dec 18, 2:24�pm, jackster the jackle [email protected] wrote:

I need to set the following windows environment variable at the
beginning of my script:

� � set http_proxy=

ENV[‘http_proxy’] = “

That will set the environment variable for your current process and
also will be transfered to the child process spawned by it.