Setting up clock synchronization blocks

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Hi Nemanja,

I remember having some trouble with this, as well, but I can’t quite
remember the details.

However, since you’re using a pretty long preamble, have you tried
using that for sync? The problem with M&M is that the output of the
phase demodulator is quite ‘soft’, so accurate syncing is difficult in
any case. Using the preamble makes it much easier; if you start with an
oversampling rate of 4 you don’t even need to do any polyphase-stuff.


On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 05:23:04PM +0100, Nemanja S. wrote:

Many regardsInline image 1

Nemanja Savić

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Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Communications Engineering Lab (CEL)

Dipl.-Ing. Martin B.
Research Associate

Kaiserstraße 12
Building 05.01
76131 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 608-43790
Fax: +49 721 608-46071

KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and
National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association


Martin, what exactly do you mean by:

However, since you’re using a pretty long preamble, have you tried
using that for sync?

Preamble is indeed long. On the figure I attached in my first post it
be seen the input and output od
synchronization M&M block. I am expecting this block to do
based on preamble.
In worst case I can meassure every pulse and make my own synchronizator,
which looks a bit ugly, but

If you start with an oversampling rate of 4 you don’t even need to do


Not quite sure that I understand, but I am sampling signal with ca.
and symbol rate is 19.2k, so if you were thinking about oversampling
bit slicer, yes i have oversampling of ca. 25.

In my receiver, after a bit filtered demodulated signal from quadrature
demodulator, I have a block, designed by myself, that does bit slicing.
is basically simulation of a circuit that is used in
some receivers with min and max diode detector circuits. Since I am
sure this is not the usual way of doing this, how am I supposed to get
pulses from demodulated signal.


On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 02:10:24PM +0100, Nemanja S. wrote:

Preamble is indeed long. On the figure I attached in my first post it can be
seen the input and output od
synchronization M&M block. I am expecting this block to do synchronization
based on preamble.

Your packet sync, but not your clock sync (how would the M&M even know
about your preamble?).

Not quite sure that I understand, but I am sampling signal with ca. 500k, and
symbol rate is 19.2k, so if you were thinking about oversampling after bit
slicer, yes i have oversampling of ca. 25.

Yeah, that’s probably over the top. Filter and decimate, that saves
clock cycles and possibly improves your SNR.

In my receiver, after a bit filtered demodulated signal from quadrature FM
demodulator, I have a block, designed by myself, that does bit slicing. It is
basically simulation of a circuit that is used in

some receivers with min and max diode detector circuits. Since I am quite sure
this is not the usual way of doing this, how am I supposed to get digital
pulses from demodulated signal.

I recommend parsing gr-digital/python/ for an idea how this could
be done (though, granted, that doesn’t work perfect either, but also
doesn’t sync via preamble).


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Communications Engineering Lab (CEL)

Dipl.-Ing. Martin B.
Research Associate

Kaiserstraße 12
Building 05.01
76131 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 608-43790
Fax: +49 721 608-46071

KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and
National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association

Hi all again,

I basically did what Martin suggested, after demodulation I lowered
sampling rate from 500k to 100k. Just to make brief reminding, I am
on a
FSK receiver, working in 434MHz ISM band, symbol rate is 19.2kbps and
modulation is FSK.
After making decimation, the number of samples per symbol within M&M
block changed, from previous 26 to 5. When I made this change M&M stoped
working properly, and packed demod is unable to detect preamble. I would
like to ask if somebody can explain me the way to tune this block, I
making 5 sliders and just changing values would be the solution, and
must be some logical way to do that.



thaks again Martin, I will take a look at the block you suggested.

What I meant before, is that I was expecting that M&M block will
tune it’s internall coefficients ,or whatever, based on preamble that
since that should be the purpose of the preamble (like in hardware

The structure of my receiver is more or less copied one from
But in that block, output of demodulator is connected to the M&M. In my
I provide M&M with pure digital signal, which should make things better
the meaning of finding correct edges.

A the moment, M&M has 100% successful preamble detection, but then it
starts to stuff some bits which make
message incorrect.


Any suggestions on my problem guys?