Set USRP clock to system time in GRC

Hi list,

I am wondering if it is possible to set a USRP clock to the system time
within GRC. I know this is straightforward in Python and C++ using the
set_time_now method, but as I use GRC a lot I don’t want to edit the
generated python files everytime after I do some changes to my

I already checked the source (master a few weeks old) but there seems to
be no call of set_time_now or set_time_next_pps. (I believe there have
been no patches the last weeks regarding this?)

If there is no way of doing this in GRC right now, is there any reason
to add this to the UHD sink/source to set the clocks to system time by

Have a nice weekend.
Martin L.

On 04/05/2013 10:05 AM, Martin L. wrote:

If there is no way of doing this in GRC right now, is there any reason not
to add this to the UHD sink/source to set the clocks to system time by

I can see that being a helpful option.

Can you try this diff? It added a PC clock option to the sync drop down.
When set, the set_time_now will be initialized approximately to the PC’s
time (pythons time.time() call).
