@session's scope in the model

for some very annoying reason, the @session variable isn’t recognized in
the model. i have a acl login system, and the user that is logged in has
a @session[‘user’] parameter, which checks to see if he’s logged in
(==1) or logged out (==0).
why isn’t this recognized in the model:

if @session[‘user’]==1



((it returns an error nil[]!))

and when i tried
or even just

((it states undefined local variable session))

it didn’t work either.
am i missing something stupid, or have i looked over some important
issue, that i haven’t quite understood?
thanks for any insights/help.


harp wrote:

for some very annoying reason, the @session variable isn’t recognized in
the model.

You’re not missing anything–the session should be used in the
controller and is not available in the model on purpose. If you give an
example of what you are trying to do in the model, we may be able to
point you in the right direction.

If you give an
example of what you are trying to do in the model, we may be able to
point you in the right direction.

Thanks for the reply…i wanted to give the admin of the site a
possibility to see the pages that were marked unpublished, that for
regular users, were impossible to see.

((publish - tinyint(1) column for any page in the Page model, that
marks whether the page is published or unpublished. only the published
are seen by everyone))

to do this, i found a great (with_scope) method, that gives me exactly
what i wanted,

def self.find(*args)
    	if !@session['user']  ### errors populated here
		self.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => "publish=1" }) do

except, now i get nil errors from the session variable in the first part
of the clause. how do get this working, if i need to check the session
to see if it is the admin, but can’t use the session in the model?
can/should this be defined in the controller?
either way, much appreciation your way…thanks,


harper wrote:

If you give an
example of what you are trying to do in the model, we may be able to
point you in the right direction.

Thanks for the reply…i wanted to give the admin of the site a
possibility to see the pages that were marked unpublished, that for
regular users, were impossible to see.


Hi Harp, I’m a newbie, but I’ll go ahead and attempt an answer. I
believe that what you are running into here is the MVC separation
preventing you from writing something that might turn into spaghetti
code. The idea is that each model should know everything there is to
know about its data, and nothing else.

I think the solution you seek will involve putting some of the smarts in
either the controller, or perhaps the view. It seems like the code you
included in your last post was in a “pages” model? If so, it can stay
there, but the “logged_in” parameter would be passed into it by the
controller or view code that is trying to get this data from the pages

In short, you don’t want the pages model to know anything about users,
and vice versa. The controller can ask the user about a user stuff and
can ask for stuff from a pages model. If there is something about a
user that affects the results of pages, it needs to be passed in as a
parameter to the pages model method, rather than divined within the
pages model.


included in your last post was in a “pages” model? If so, it can stay
there, but the “logged_in” parameter would be passed into it by the
controller or view code that is trying to get this data from the pages

first of firsts, thanks for the reply. (yes, it is much appreciated).
i suppose there is good reasoning for why the session isn’t availiable
in the model (makes perfect sense after the short explination).
the current minor-problem on my mind now, is the reasoning of why i am
defining this in the model.
the initial thought behind ‘improving’ the find method (for the pages
class) populated from the DRY principle i am working on every day - - i
could have went to each place i was using find in the pages controller
(that’s where i’m using the find method) and added a [:conditions =>
‘publish=1’] but it seemed a lot more aesthetic and cleaner to use
:with_scope, and avoid going to EACH place i was using the find method
(quite a couple) and adding that.
either way, i suppose passing a parameter is cleaner than writing

if @session
find… long+published=1

so how do i pass a parameter in the find method? find(:all, :conditions,
:options, :logged_in => true/false)? won’t it populate an error
'unrecognized symbol/etc? any conventions on how to do this?
(many thanks for the reply)


harper wrote:

marks whether the page is published or unpublished. only the published

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

There are a couple of plugins floating around that also need to pull
the user id from the session, so far i’ve seen two ways to do it.

The first is to put a before_filter in the Application controller that
sets a User class variable to the current user id. The other uses a
Thread local variable.

The first one works fine in most cases, but would probably break if
Rails ever becomes threaded.

class User
cattr_accessor :current_user


— application.rb —
before_filter :set_current_user

def set_current_user
User.current_user = session[‘user’]

The current user will get set at the beginning of each request, so you
can be sure that it will be correct.


so how do i pass a parameter in the find method? find(:all, :conditions,
:options, :logged_in => true/false)? won’t it populate an error
'unrecognized symbol/etc? any conventions on how to do this?
(many thanks for the reply)


i’ve been trying for two-three hours, and i can’t get this to work!
how do i pass another option/arg/parameter in the def find method?

find(*args, session) doesn’t work, it gives me a parse error…any other
variation doesn’t seem to work either…the only way it doesn’t give me
an error is if i do
find(args, session) but then it only uses one option, and errors on
:include, :otheroptions etc.

is there a finer correct syntax i’m missing?
thanks for any help…

class User
cattr_accessor :current_user


— application.rb —
before_filter :set_current_user

def set_current_user
User.current_user = session[‘user’]

The current user will get set at the beginning of each request, so you
can be sure that it will be correct.


…sorry for being a little slow; so how does this connect to the

with_scope => …

that i need to define? when i put the above code in the controller, it
failed too(the model as well), as any definition in the Class Page,
doesn’t accept the session variable.
how am i supposed to connect the User.current_user to the above?

def set_current_user = session[‘user’]


if set_current_user
with_scope => …


how do i check the session in a class-function?

def self.find(*args)
if !@session[‘user’] ### errors populated here
self.with_scope(:find => { :conditions => “publish=1” }) do

any help, much appreciated. really.
