I am dealing with a legacy db and I really don’t want to add a sessions
table unless I have to.
I am just using default setup in Rails 2.3.2 and I don’t see any
declarations regarding sessions in config/environment[.rb|s/]
so I put a <%= session.inspect %> in my layout and the first screen I go
to after the ‘login’ controller assigns some ‘session[:thingies]’ they
show up but not at any subsequent page so I think they are getting lost
on me.
What am I missing? I cannot see from api.rubyonrails.org what it is I
should be doing. Shouldn’t sessions persist?
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What you want is a cookie session store which stores the session on
the client, but this should be the default unless you have changed it.
apparently I was fine except that I needed a value in session[:user_id]
because it was calling ‘authenticate’ and ‘authorize’ and I was only
looking at the ‘authorize’ section because I had already ‘authenticated’
stupid me.
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