@session['user'] vs session[:user]

This might seem really simple to some but just wanted to ask: what is
the difference between @session[‘user’] and session[:user] ? and how
would you use each?

And another question, I have the following code:

def get_customer
if @session[‘customer’]
@c = Customer.find(@session[‘customer’])


def initialize_cart
  if session[:cart_id]
    @cart = Cart.find(session[:cart_id])
    @cart = Cart.create
    session[:cart_id] = @cart.id

How do I assign the cart to the logged in customer?

Thanks in advance,

On 17 Oct 2007, at 07:44, elle wrote:

This might seem really simple to some but just wanted to ask: what is
the difference between @session[‘user’] and session[:user] ? and how
would you use each?

@session is deprecated. Use session (which is a method).

def initialize_cart
  if session[:cart_id]
    @cart = Cart.find(session[:cart_id])
    @cart = Cart.create
    session[:cart_id] = @cart.id

How do I assign the cart to the logged in customer?

Not entirely sure what you mean, but you’ve got an @cart containing a
cart and @c containing your customer so you should be able to put the
2 together.


well ‘customer’ is a string:

irb(main):001:0> ‘customer’.class
=> String

and :customer is a symbol:

irb(main):002:0> :customer.class
=> Symbol

I don’t know much about ruby, but indexing (or what is the right term)
with symbols is better idea then indexing with strings. Because (in-
theory at least) an object of Symbol class is smaller then an object
of a String class. Try ‘customer’.methods vs. :customer.methods

well ‘customer’ is a string:

Some Hashes in Rails are old-fashioned, and some use
.with_indifferent_access. That means you can insert strings or symbols,
query symbols or strings, indifferently. This allows you to use the most
natural expressions when inserting or querying.

I don’t know much about ruby, but indexing (or what is the right term)
with symbols is better idea then indexing with strings. Because (in-
theory at least) an object of Symbol class is smaller then an object of a
String class.

Symbols are converted to unique numbers at compile time, while Ruby must
wait until evaluation time to convert strings into numbers. So symbols
generally faster.

Try ‘customer’.methods vs. :customer.methods

Cute, but the number of methods is not a direct indicator of speed or

Indirectly, things with fewer methods have more opportunities for
optimization, so a symbol indeed has fewer methods!


what is

the difference between @session[‘user’] and session[:user] ?
session[‘user’] when you say, there is a temporary string object
created to access the session hash,

session[:user] when you say, No temporary object created here, but
there is only Symbol object created at the first
time of use. And from then onwards the any access to sessoin[:user]
uses same Symbol object. Meaning there will
be only one memory reference to symbol object.

How do I assign the cart to the logged in customer?
you can do in different ways,

  1. Like what you are trying to implement, Create a new Card Object,
    once a user logs in and assign that card_id to
    the logged in user’s session. Then, from then onwards use that card id
    to add any product which plan to purchase.

  2. Create Some database relation-ship between user and card model.

  3. Use javascript, ajax and cookie to implement your card logic.

OK, so I have the following tables in my db: customers, carts,
The carts table has 2 columns: id and customer_id
The Customer class has: has_many : carts
The Cart class has: has_many : products :through :cart_items
has_one :customer

Also, when the customer logs in, to display his name for example, I
use @c.name in the view. I’m really new to rails but from my
understanding, @c is an array (is that right?) that holds all of the
customer’s details.

I’ve tried to assign the @cart to @c but it didn’t work. I’m not sure
how to do this.
Also now, I call all the cart items by using @cart.products.
How do i cahnge it to call for all the products in the cart that
belongs to customer?

This is the code for customer login and logout:

def login
# examine the form data for “name” and “password”
pw,name = params[:customer].values_at(*%w{password name})
# Retrieve the customer record for the name and store it in a
variable ‘c’
c = Customer.find_by_name(name)
# if such record exists, and it’s password matches the password
from the form
if c && Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(pw) == c.password
# start a session with the customer id
@session[‘customer’] = c.id

    if @cart.products.empty?
        redirect_to :controller => "catalog"
     redirect_to :action => "view_cart"
   # otherwise report an error
   flash[:notice] = "Invalid Login"
   redirect_to :controller => "catalog"


def logout
@session[‘customer’] = nil
redirect_to :controller => “catalog”

How should I change my code to make this happen?


Cute, but the number of methods is not a direct indicator of speed or

not precisely - if there are fewer methods the initialization process (
creating a new object ) is usually faster.

sorry, i am not able to understand your schema definition.
what will cart table contain? is it a mapping table?, if yes follow
rails naming convention.
what is the relation ship between cart, cart_items and products. ? and
what does cart_item contain?

usuallly when you have has_many relationship, you can say

@customer.cart_ids = [1,2,3]

where [1,2,3] is list of cart id’s which you want to associate to that
and CustomerModel should have relationship with cart model, with name
cart (name give to has_many).

you can read any any rails book to understand this relationship topic.

Good Luck.,

Thank you everyone so much for assisting me in this matter.

I changed the code so instead of having session[:customer] and
session[:cart], there is only one session[:customer] with the
customer’s id. But now I am getting an error:

NoMethodError in CartController#login
undefined method items' for 129:Fixnum app/controllers/cart_controller.rb:17:inlogin

my cart_controller.rb has the following:

class CartController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authorize, :except => [“login”]

def authorize
return true if @c
flash[:notice] = “Please login again to place your order”
redirect_to :controller => “catalog”

def login
pw,name = params[:customer].values_at(*%w{password name})
c = Customer.find_by_name(name)
if c && Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(pw) == c.password
# start a session with the customer id
session[:customer] = c.id
@cart = find_cart
if @cart.items.empty?
redirect_to :controller => “catalog”
redirect_to :action => “view_cart”
# otherwise report an error
flash[:notice] = “Invalid Login”
redirect_to :controller => “catalog”

def logout
session[:customer] = nil
redirect_to :controller => “catalog”
def find_cart
unless session[:customer]
@cart = Cart.new
session[:customer] = @cart

cart.rb class:

class Cart < ActiveRecord::Base

has_many :cart_items

has_many :products, :through => :cart_items

belongs_to :customer

attr_reader :items

def initialize
@items = []

and lastly, the application.rb:

before_filter :current_customer

def current_customer
if session[:customer]
@c = Customer.find(session[:customer])

So, my login works but the app doesn’t accept the “if
Any ideas?


On 19 Oct, 12:45, elle [email protected] wrote:

So, my login works but the app doesn’t accept the “if
Any ideas?

Looks like you have a model named cart_items, not just items. So, it
should be if @cart.cart_items.empty?
