Session Timeout - Best Practice or Gem?

What’s the best practice for implementing session timeouts? Or is
there a gem for this functionality? I remember seeing one several
months ago but it appears that it’s no longer available.


I wrote a simple cron job that just runs once a day, and expires any
session older than a week.

In an ideal world, any session that is not used in more than N hours
should be considered stale, and require a login. I’m not certain how
to implement this yet.


On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 10:19 -0500, Michael G. wrote:

I wrote a simple cron job that just runs once a day, and expires any
session older than a week.

In an ideal world, any session that is not used in more than N hours
should be considered stale, and require a login. I’m not certain how
to implement this yet.


(my sessions are in Active Record)

class SessionCleaner
def self.remove_stale_sessions
Session.destroy_all( [‘updated_at < ?’, 30.minutes.ago] )

I have a cron script that runs every 5 minutes…

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/ruby MY_RAILS_ROOT/script/runner -e production
SessionCleaner.remove_stale_sessions > /dev/null 2>&1

season to taste


What’s the best practice for implementing session timeouts?

Check out Rails’ sweepers