Session / cookie confusion

Hi list

I’m in need of a little clarification. I thought that value set in the
would result in a session cookie being created that is unique for that
user’s session i.e. until the browser is closed?

session :session_key => ‘_myapp_session_id’

I am seeing the same cookies[:’_myapp_session_id’] value reported
across different browsers, with different sessions on different

Can anyone explain or correct my misundestanding?

Thanks muchly


(rails 2.2.2 under passenger)

On Apr 8, 11:38 pm, msp [email protected] wrote:

Hi list

I’m in need of a little clarification. I thought that value set in the
would result in a session cookie being created that is unique for that
user’s session i.e. until the browser is closed?

What do you mean by set ?

session :session_key => ‘_myapp_session_id’

I am seeing the same cookies[:‘_myapp_session_id’] value reported
across different browsers, with different sessions on different

Can anyone explain or correct my misundestanding?

The default session store encodes the contents of the session itself
in the cookie (ie if different people end up storing the same thing in
the session they will end up with basically the same session cookie).
