I don’t have such a big trouble, but I don’t see how to solve it.
My server usually serves small files suchas classical web pages.
On a particular location, though, I serve big files (around 100MB+).
I noticed that when those files were served, there was ‘bumps’ in the
transfer rate, whether the trasnfer stalled for 1s or the transfer rate
downgraded to 500Kb/s during the same period.
Those bumps were monitored server-side, so it is not some trouble in any
network in the middle.
I ensured that the only service using significant bandwith would be
I guess I am experiencing some disk I/O speed limitations.
Thus, I tried to use aio on that location:
aio on;
directio 4m;
output_buffers 1m; (I tried 512k first hand)
The bumps are still there, appearing randomly but quite often and
on the long shot.
Could very well be a lan driver issue, rx/tx values too high or rx value
higher then tx, flow control not used or used but not supported,
etc… try an older driver or if its really old a newer one. Also see
if you can get a driver with debugging compiled in or support for raw
mode and run something like wireshark to see whats going on.
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