Server Push, with Active MQ?

I’ve read the postings about Juggernaut with interest, it is an
interesting approach but in wondering about a solution that wouldn’t
require flash I did some searching and came across activemq

Their approach for messaging to an AJAX client
(ActiveMQ)seems to be a
combination of polling and keeping the HTTP response open. Assuming this
(polling, keep alive time) is configurable this would seem to be a good
option for those writing apps that need to cope with a corporate
firewall, no flash allowed type world.

The server side connection ruby/rails → activemq could be done with the
stomp ruby client (ActiveMQ)

Can anyone cast some light onto the possibility, ease of which etc it
would be possible to integrate the activemg provided javascript library
with a rails app.

I think it would be very cool to have a robust solution allowing rails
apps to have their clients subscribe to a messaging channel, especially
for building collaborative applications where you want your client to
know about changes/event as they happen (or as quickly as possible).

Activemq would seem to have a good approach plus it provides a backbone
for integration with other systems.

Take a look at this:

It seems pretty easy to implement.

Jarod R.
McAfee Forums Administrator
Tier II Technical Supervisor
McAfee, Inc

Thanks, I had a look

I’m particularly looking for information as to how to arrange javascript
on the client side to receive messages pushed from the server.

Does activemessaging help with this?

Jarod R. wrote:

Take a look at this:

It seems pretty easy to implement.

Jarod R.
McAfee Forums Administrator
Tier II Technical Supervisor
McAfee, Inc