Serve 0.9.0 Released

Serve version 0.9.0 has been released!

== What is Serve?

Serve is a small Ruby script that makes it easy to start a WEBrick
server in any directory. Serve is ideal for HTML prototyping and
simple file sharing. If the haml, redcloth, and bluecloth gems are
installed serve can handle Haml, Sass, Textile, and Markdown (in
addition to HTML).

== Usage

At a command prompt all you need to type to start serve is:

$ serve

This will launch a WEBrick server which you can access from any Web
browser at the following address:


Once the server is going it will output a running log of its activity.
To stop the server at any time, type CTRL+C at the command prompt. By
default the serve command serves up files from the current directory.
To change this behavior, cd to the appropriate directory before
starting serve.

== Advanced Options

The serve command automatically binds to (localhost) and uses
port 3000 by default. To serve files over a different IP (that is
bound to your computer) or port specify those options on the command

$ serve 4000 # a custom port

$ serve # a custom IP

$ serve # a custom IP and port

== Rails Applications

For your convenience if the file “script/server” exists in the current
directory the serve command will start that instead of launching a
WEBrick server. You can specify the environment that you want to start
the server with as an option on the command line:

$ serve production # start script/server in production mode

== Installation and Setup

It is recommended that you install serve via RubyGems:

$ sudo gem install serve

== License

Serve is released under the MIT license and is copyright (c) John W.
Long. A copy of the MIT license can be found in the link:License.txt


On 9/25/07, John W. Long [email protected] wrote:

addition to HTML).

Take a look at the “launchy” gem. It can be used to start up the
default web browser and point it to your WEBrick instance. Just
another nicety for the user.
