Seo's patch for building on mono

FYI I’m accepting part of the patch only. This won’t be accepted - if
folks want this to compile under Mono, please submit a patch that fixes
this correctly (new defines etc).

Index: src/microsoft.scripting.core/shell/BasicConsole.cs

protected void WriteColor(TextWriter output, string str, ConsoleColor c)
-#if !SILVERLIGHT // Console.ForegroundColor

  •        ConsoleColor origColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
  •        Console.ForegroundColor = c;


-#if !SILVERLIGHT // Console.ForegroundColor

  •        Console.ForegroundColor = origColor;


Regarding the Mono compiler bug: will the latest mono c# compiler
compile these? I’m reluctant to change our sources

Index: src/ironruby/Builtins/RubyModule.cs


  •        _mixins = ArrayUtils.InsertAt(_mixins, 0, 


  •        _mixins = ArrayUtils.InsertAt<RubyModule>(_mixins, 0, 


Index: src/microsoft.scripting.core/utils/ArrayUtils.cs


  •        return InsertAt(MakeArray(list), index, items);
  •        return InsertAt<T>(MakeArray(list), index, items);


2008/4/25, John L. (IRONRUBY) [email protected]:

FYI I’m accepting part of the patch only. This won’t be accepted – if folks
want this to compile under Mono, please submit a patch that fixes this
correctly (new defines etc).

(Regarding Mono console workaround and Mono compiler workaround)

I never expected otherwise. :slight_smile: Those workarounds are there for people
who want to try IronRuby on Mono right now. I never intended them to
be merged.