Sending "flags" with link_to

Let us say, I have a page with couple of links and i would like to send
unique flag/variable settings through params for each these links when
they are clicked.

For example:

A link clicked - flag ‘a’ sent
B link clicked - flag ‘b’ sent

The exact scenario is that when the link is clicked, I have to perform a
“find” to see if the params value exists in table 1 or 2 or 3…so on.

This is a very bad design and it is costly in terms of performance.

If I can set a flag/variable/indicator with each link, then I can
straight away perform “find” in its corresponding table and execute the

Any pointers are more appreciated.

On Jul 21, 5:24 am, Rails L. [email protected]

“find” to see if the params value exists in table 1 or 2 or 3…so on.

This is a very bad design and it is costly in terms of performance.

When you generate a link you either pass a hash of routing options
(eg :controller => ‘foo’, :action => ‘…’) or you call one of the
named route helpers (person_path(…)) which can also take similar
options. You can add any options you want (although the rails way
these days would probably to make the table in question explicit in
the url path itself rather than as a query parameter)


you can always add extra parameter in link_to

or link_to_remote … every method will allow you to send extra
to the controller in all cases whether you are using restful routing
or not

for example:
link_to “a” ,{:controller=>:your_controller, :method
=> :your_method , :flag=>“a”}

link_to “a” , you_controller_path(:flag=>“a”)

On Jul 21, 10:24 am, Rails L. [email protected]