Sending A mailinglist

I’am building a app where users can describe for a mailinglist.
But the problem is how can i send a list of mails

def mailinglist(mail)
  @mailinglists = Mailinglist.find(:all)
   from "[email protected]"
   subject mail.subject
   body mail.body

when is send an email to all adresses on the list i get the error
undefined method `email’ for #Array:0x25ea53c

Only i can send an mail to one of the members by
@mailinglists = Mailinglist.find(1)

How can i send a email to all the members of the mailinglist

def mailinglist(mail)
@mailinglists = Mailinglist.find(:all)
@mailinglists.each do |mailingentry|
from “[email protected]
subject mail.subject
body mail.body

That gives no errors but only the first email has sended

Sorry my fault that other mai adress were slow

Thanks for your solotion you helped me very well with this