Send_data => invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII

I’m trying to display a generated .png plot via send_data(), but it
results in a server error “invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII” error.
I’m pretty sure this means that I need to specify the encoding
somewhere, but I haven’t been able to figure out where or how to do so.

Some particulars:

I’m running gnuplot through a pipe to generate a plot in .png format.
(I’ve tested the code by writing its output to a file and displaying it
– it works.) My Report model receives the .png image as a string:

class Report << ActiveRecord::Base
def imagedata
image = GnuPlot(@gnuplot_commands)

My Controller uses send_data() to serve up a page:

class ReportsController < ApplicationController
def plot
report = Report.find(params[:id])
send_data(report.imagedata, :type => ‘image/gif’)

[FWIW, without really understanding it, I also tried added an :encoding
=> ‘utf8’ to the send_data call – no change.] Finally, my View presents
the result:

However, the send_data() call results in a server error:

ArgumentError (invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII):
internal:prelude:8:in synchronize' .../Ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/httpserver.rb:111:inservice’

So the question: Where do I specify the encoding? And what encoding is
appropriate for a .png binary?

“rails --version” => Rails 2.3.5
“ruby --version” => ruby 1.9.1p376
“mysqul --vesion” => Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.36
OS = Mac OS X 10.5.8

I dont know if it’s related to the actual error message you are
getting, but I believe your send_data call should look more like this:
send_data(report.imagedata, :disposition => ‘inline’, :type => ‘image/
png’, :filename => “graph.png”)
You are setting it to a GIF, and not setting the disposition to

Sharagoz wrote:

I dont know if it’s related to the actual error message you are
getting, but I believe your send_data call should look more like this:
send_data(report.imagedata, :disposition => ‘inline’, :type => ‘image/
png’, :filename => “graph.png”)
You are setting it to a GIF, and not setting the disposition to


Thanks –

Anyway, still broken. For now, I’ve worked around it using send_file

  • ff