How to send attached tar.gz file on ruby mail sending. If anyone aware
already, please let me know.
How to send attached tar.gz file on ruby mail sending. If anyone aware
already, please let me know.
2009/9/10 Arul hari [email protected]:
How to send attached tar.gz file on ruby mail sending. If anyone aware
already, please let me know.
Better to use pastie ( and post url here.
Colin L. wrote:
2009/9/10 Arul hari [email protected]:
How to send attached tar.gz file on ruby mail sending. If anyone aware
already, please let me know.Better to use pastie ( and post url here.
I think the OP was asking how to send a tarball attachment from a Rails
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]
You could either look into sending it as a MIME attachment (see the
ActionMailer docs), or put it in a subdirectory of public/ on your app
server and include a URL.
However, you should also consider that unless your recipients are OSX/
Linux users, they’re going to need extra software to open the file, as
Windows doesn’t support those formats natively.
–Matt J.
On Sep 10, 8:25 am, Arul hari [email protected]
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