I found the following code here:
I 'm trying to add an additional “has_many :teamates” on the player
model but i cant figure out how to do it…
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
The Code:
I found the following code here:
I 'm trying to add an additional “has_many :teamates” on the player
model but i cant figure out how to do it…
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
The Code:
class Player < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :teammates, :class_name => ‘Player’
Then just add the field player_id to the players table, and it should
Ï/Ç Luke I. Ýãñáøå:
class Player < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :teammates, :class_name => ‘Player’
endThen just add the field player_id to the players table, and it should work
Nope, that wouldn’t work. What i want is to find the teammates through
the other tables.
You’ll likely need to go to SQL here… Join the tables together and
return the result based on the memberships of the instance-level
has_and_belongs_to_many :teammates,
:join_table => TeamMembership.table_name,
:finder_sql => “SELECT p2.* FROM #{TeamMembership.table_name} AS
t1 INNER JOIN #{Player.table_name} AS p1 ON t1.player_id = p1.id INNER
JOIN #{Player.table_name} AS p2 ON p2.team_id = t1.team_id WHERE p1.id
= #{id} AND p2.id != #{id}”
… i think that works…
On Mar 9, 7:49 pm, “Trochalakis C.” [email protected]
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