Hi Grar,
If you really want to call a single migration, you could do something
$ ./script/console
require “#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/migrate/100_create_foos.rb”
=> [“CreateFoos”]
== CreateFoos: reverting =============================
– drop_table(:foos)
=> false
== CreateFoos: migrating =============================
– create_table(:foos)
=> true
And/or roll such calls into a runnable script and run it via runner:
$ cat ./script/migrate_foo.runnable
require “#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/migrate/100_create_foos.rb”
$ ./script/runner ./script/migrate_foo.runnable
Personally, I like to keep my migrations intact as well, one per
persistable model ob, unless I’m working on a project with a team that
doesn’t. This way it’s easy for devs to see exactly what’s defined at
that time in the db for a given model ob, without having to weed
through all the various modifying migrations related to some model ob,
or looking for such info in the development_structure.sql if
available, or having to fire up the console or an underlying db qry
tool to see that model ob’s current db schema.
For all my projects, I usually dev a runnable re-init script that
contains all of the work (that I would typically call by hand)
required to put the env in the current valid working state: run
migrations, load any init data as required for the env, perform any
post-init processing of data, run tests, etc.
Whenever a new migration is added or an existing one is modified or
init data is added/modified, I just make one call to re-init the dev
env. Note that the same holds true for pulling and re-init’ing some
version from svn/git/…
When it comes to upgrading the production env for a new release that
requires db-related changes, I dev a runnable script per prod env
upgrade that performs the necessary work to upgrade the prod env to be
in line with that particular release: run pre-upgrade tests to see if
upgrade can/should be performed, run specific migrations and/or db
schema mods as applicable, load any data and/or perform any data
updates, run post-upgrade tests, etc.
Whenever a prod env upgrade needs to be performed, I dump the prod env
db as a pre-upgrade backup, run the upgrade script to pre-test the
prod env, upgrade the prod env, and post-test the prod env, and when
all is good, dump the db again as a post-upgrade backup. (I usually
test each upgrade scripts against a similar version/state of the dev
env prior to performing the upgrade on the prod env, and once the
script’s working as intended, then I just re-init the current dev
env.) Having such prod env upgrade scripts (and related db dumps)
makes it equally easy to revert back to a specific state of the prod
env as well.