hy …
I have a problem with selecting data from my database.
this is my database:
users that has_and_belongs_to_many rights
articles that has_and_belongs_to_many rights
rights that has_and_belongs_to_many users and articles.
If I have a user ID… How can I get the articles which he has the rights
to ?
something like this? :
@article_list = User.find_by_id(0).rights.articles
but this doesn’t work
I hope someone has the answer
You have to do it yourself in Ruby if you do it like that, or you will
to write some SQL.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def articles
@articles||= self.rights.collect{|right|
That will allow you to do
u = User.find(1)
@articles = u.articles
Or you could write a more complex find_by_sql that would to that for you
which may be more efficient.
@William: Yeah. Good catch. I forgot to add that.
THANXS !! (I was strugling with this problem for ages :P)
I would add a .uniq! to the end as well since articles could belong to
multiple rights and so could a user.
def articles
@articles||= self.rights.collect{|right|
Brian H. wrote:
you which may be more efficient.
rights that has_and_belongs_to_many users and articles.
but this doesn't work
I hope someone has the answer
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
William P.
I’m pretty sure you can drop the first flatten and also, to avoid the
n+1 query problem, adding :include would almost certainly be more
def articles
@articles||= self.rights.find(:all, :include =>
:articles).collect{|right| right.articles }.flatten.uniq!
William P. wrote:
Brian H. wrote:
you which may be more efficient.
rights that has_and_belongs_to_many users and articles.
William P.
William P.
THANXs for all the replays
but it doesn’t work…
if I try to do it but I get:
undefined method `rights’ for #ApplicationController:0x22a8eb8
I do this:
in my application controller:
@article_list ||= self.rights.find(:all, :include =>:articles)
.collect{|right| right.articles }.flatten.uniq!
and then it will do: (of course in a layout and not in the controller
<% for article in @article_list %>
<% end %>
does anyone now what the problem is here ?
and yes my models work (I can without problems ask for al the articles
with right is 1 etc.)
In your User model, add this:
def articles
@article_list ||= self.rights.find(:all, :include
=>:articles).collect{|right| right.articles }.flatten.uniq!
Then in your controller, call the articles method on the current user.
Say you have @user in your controller, then this would work:
Note that the first method goes in the User model, not in your
Heldop S. wrote:
with right is 1 etc.)
William P.
Ok well I am an idiot … beceause I can’t read
(it was explained in the first post)
Sorry and thanxs guys