I have a partial in my view which has a select box:
<% form_for :channels, :html => {:name => ‘channelsform’},:url=>
{ :action =>“newchannel”, :controller =>“channels”} do |f| %>
<%= f.select(:id , Channel.find(:all, :order => ‘channel
ASC’, :conditions => [‘deleted=0’]).collect {|p| [ p.channel,
p.id ]}, {:include_blank => true}, { :onchange =>
“document.channelsform.submit();”}) %>
In my ChannelsController I pick up the value from this select box
correctly as: @channel = Channel.find(params[:channels][:id])
However, when the partial rerenders, it doesn;t show the selected
value. How can I make it show the selected value, given the syntax for
the form.select I have used?
Thanks, Janna B