Just i used the select_tag in the rails3 for the country selection
But when i click on that ,i didn’t give any option. here is the code
am used.
Just i used the select_tag in the rails3 for the country selection option.
But when i click on that ,i didn’t give any option. here is the code which
am used.
Yes, you have got it all wrong I am afraid. Have a look at the html
it is generating and you will see the problem. Have a look at the
docs for select_tag to see where you are going wrong. Whenever
something is not working it is worth looking at the html.
Are you sure you should not be using f.select rather than select_tag?
You should use form_for whenever appropriate rather than form_tag.
Are you asking for more help or what? Did you check the html output
(view source in browser) and have a look at the docs for select_tag?
You will easily find examples of how to use it.
And as I said you should be using form_for and f.select anyway.
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