I still have problems with dates. 2 of them this time.the first is that
I have 2 date_select for the users to select a period for a report, but
when I try to read them in the controller I get a nil error… but they
are not nil…wierd.
- rhtml:
- controller:
string = ‘usuario_id = ‘+ @usuario.id.to_s
string+= ’ AND tipo in ’ + array_to_string(@tipo,’,’)
string+=‘AND created_at >’ +(params[:reporte][:inicio])
string+=‘AND created_at <’ +(params[:reporte][:termino])
string+='ORDER BY '+@orderempresa
and the error:
can’t convert nil into String
Parameters: {“commit”=>“Generar Reporte”,
“reporte”=>{“inicio(1i)”=>“2007”, “inicio(2i)”=>“1”, “inicio(3i)”=>“1”,
“termino(1i)”=>“2007”, “termino(2i)”=>“1”, “termino(3i)”=>“31”,
“orden”=>“operacion”}, “usuario”=>“9”,
“operaciones”=>{“creaciones”=>“true”, “eliminaciones”=>“true”,
As you can see it’s not nil… ¿anybody knows why this happens?
The second problem is that I getting a year (of studies) without any
problem, but when I show the information, it doesn’t show the recorded
year, it shows 2007.
The select is in the rhtml as follows:
<% @persona.estudios.each do |@e|%>
(‘e[]’,‘institucion’) %>
<%= select_year(Date.today, :start_year => 1950,
and nothing, it doesn’t show error or anything just a wrong year.
Any thoughts?
Muchas gracias!!!