I have a ruby script producing this error on Ubunutu Linux amd64 (I used
standard ubuntu ruby packages to install ruby… I got ruby gems from
and used gem install to get mechanize). The script works fine on i386…
using mechanize with threads. I can provide more info. Who should I
I suppose I should compile ruby from source and see if I still get the
I’ll try that later tonight.
On Thu, Nov 23, 2006 at 08:37:36AM +0900, Brad T. wrote:
rb_gc_mark(): unknown data type 0x38(0x59d240) non object
Similar problems have been brought up on 32-bit Ubuntu[1] with 1.8.4.
The fellow
moved to 1.8.5 and had no further problems. Some garbage pointer is
finding its
way into an object.
All bugs should be reported to the Hpricot site[2], which accepts your
account quite handily, and I will walk you through getting a trace with
All bugs should be reported to the Hpricot site[2], which accepts your Rubyforge
account quite handily, and I will walk you through getting a trace with gdb.
_why, how do you get Trac to recognize people’s RubyForge accounts?
That’s spiffy!
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