Segfault in ferret 0.11.0

Just downloaded the new ferret 0.11. I’m on OSX btw. I get this error
everytime I run my unit tests:
Loaded suite ferret_updater_unit_test
E/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/erb.rb:504: [BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i686-darwin8.7.1]

Abort trap

When I revert back to 10.14 I dont get this error. When I comment out
the line:{:path => @index_path, :field_infos => fi,
:create_if_missing => true, :analyzer =>})

This error goes away…

If there’s any other things you need to know, let me know and I will be
more than glad to answer any questions.

Try to rebuild your Index, ferret 0.11 index segmentation seems a bit
different from older version, so < 0.11 indexes arn’t supported…
I actually got a problem with my 0.10.14 index and rebuilding it from a
brand new 0.11 one worked well :slight_smile:

Jérémie ‘ahFeel’ BORDIER
Rift Technologies -

Hi Dave,
Just installed the 11.2 gem. No problems anymore! Yay!
Thanks again for all your great work.

David B. wrote:

On 2/27/07, Raymond O’connor [email protected] wrote:

When I revert back to 10.14 I dont get this error. When I comment out
the line:{:path => @index_path, :field_infos => fi,
:create_if_missing => true, :analyzer =>})

This error goes away…

If there’s any other things you need to know, let me know and I will be
more than glad to answer any questions.

Hi Ray,
There is another version on its way now. Should be available in half
an hour plus the time it takes to filter through to the gem mirrors.
Let me know if that works for you.


On 2/27/07, Raymond O’connor [email protected] wrote:

When I revert back to 10.14 I dont get this error. When I comment out
the line:{:path => @index_path, :field_infos => fi,
:create_if_missing => true, :analyzer =>})

This error goes away…

If there’s any other things you need to know, let me know and I will be
more than glad to answer any questions.

Hi Ray,
There is another version on its way now. Should be available in half
an hour plus the time it takes to filter through to the gem mirrors.
Let me know if that works for you.
