Seeking Ruby on Rails Tutorial/Screencaster

Our media company will soon be launching a new information website,
for which we are seeking an experienced Ruby on Rails tutorial writer/

This contributor would be asked to submit as many as one exclusive,
tutorial screencast each week, along with associated code, examples,
and explanatory copy.

Basic Expectations

In a given month, two tutorials should aim at Ruby on Rails beginners,
one at intermediate developers, and one at advanced, application-
building Rails developers.

The tutorials must use widely-accepted best practices and be
technically detailed.

This is an ongoing independent contractor position. If accepted, you
will be asked (paid) to produce tutorials for a trial period. Assuming
all is well during the trial period, you will be asked to produce
tutorials on an ongoing basis, 52 weeks per year. You will not be in
anyway bound other than normal notice periods, i.e., two weeks.


The contributor would be paid based on experience and skill level;
would, of course, have a byline; and would receive backlinks to his or
her site/sites. Think of it as a great way to get paid while self

To Apply


To get further information/apply, please send an email to armando(at) that (1) describes your experience with Ruby on
Rails, (2) confirms your ability to create screencasts (i.e., you have
Camtasia software, etc.), (3) includes your rate in U.S. dollars for a
15-to-30 minute tutorial screencast, (4) suggests three tutorial
topics, and (5) provides links to work samples.

Thank you and A Final Word

We encourage Ruby on Rails writers/developers of all ages, genders,
education, and locations to apply.

Thank you in advance for your application. We admire your talent and
look forward to learning more about you.

googlefandeveloper wrote:
s of all ages, genders,

education, and locations to apply.

Thank you in advance for your application. We admire your talent and
look forward to learning more about you.

It will be very hard to compete with the amazing Railcasts. It has
everything that a rails developer needs on practically everything and
it’s all free!

Ilan B. wrote:

googlefandeveloper wrote:
s of all ages, genders,

education, and locations to apply.

Thank you in advance for your application. We admire your talent and
look forward to learning more about you.

It will be very hard to compete with the amazing Railcasts. It has
everything that a rails developer needs on practically everything and
it’s all free!

Agreed. Unless you can hire someone as good as Ryan B., don’t bother
– you’ll get zero audience.


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]