Seeking optimization help - overridden to_xml()


I’ve got an overridden to_xml() function in one of my models that
appears to be very slow. As a relative Ruby novice, I would love to
hear suggestions on how to improve the performance. Incidentally, I
was using the default to_xml() provided by ActiveRecord, but it wasn’t
handling null data the way I wanted.

class Errors < ActiveRecord:Base

def to_xml(options = {})
options[:indent] ||= 2
xml = options[:builder] ||= =>
xml.instruct! unless options[:skip_instruct]
xml.error do |x| if self.attributes.has_key?
x.division_name(self.division_name) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.division_id(self.division_id) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.region_name(self.region_name) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.region_id(self.region_id) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.market_name(self.market_name) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.market_id(self.market_id) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.vp_name(self.vp_name) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.vp_id(self.vp_id) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.dir_name(self.dir_name) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.dir_id(self.dir_id) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.mgr_name(self.mgr_name) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.mgr_id(self.mgr_id) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.sup_name(self.sup_name) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.sup_id(self.sup_id) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.cae_name(self.cae_name) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.cae_id(self.cae_id) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.acct(self.acct) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.wono(self.wono) if self.attributes.has_key?

x.crtd(self.crtd.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) # Why wouldn’t this

have worked?..

perhaps it should have been crtd.to_date.strftime() …


  x.crtd(self.crtd ? self.crtd.to_date.to_s(:db) : "")

if self.attributes.has_key?(“crtd”)
x.schd(self.schd ? self.schd.to_date.to_s(:db) : “”)
if self.attributes.has_key?(“schd”)
x.run_date(self.run_date ? self.run_date.to_date.to_s(:db) : “”)
if self.attributes.has_key?(“run_date”)
x.errtype(self.errtype) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.waiver(self.waiver) if self.attributes.has_key?
(“waiver”) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.disposition(self.disposition) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.biller(self.biller) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.corp(self.corp) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.alert(self.alert) if self.attributes.has_key?
x.audit_classification(self.audit_classification) if
x.audit_category(self.audit_category) if



On Jul 9, 8:20 pm, michael_teter [email protected] wrote:


I’ve got an overridden to_xml() function in one of my models that
appears to be very slow. As a relative Ruby novice, I would love to
hear suggestions on how to improve the performance. Incidentally, I
was using the default to_xml() provided by ActiveRecord, but it wasn’t
handling null data the way I wanted.

The attributes method returns a new hash everytime you call it - it
might help to only call it once and stash the result in a local
variable. You might find the :only option to to_xml allows you to
solve this problem without all this rather repetitive code.
