Hi folks,
After last year’s success, the Belgian Ruby U. Group is happy to
the second Ruby and Rails devroom at Fosdem 2009. Fosdem is a gathering
of Free and Open Source Software developers and the ideal occasion to
fellow Ruby and Rails developers (and 2,000 other FOSS developers). If
have a good idea for a talk or tutorial, consider sending in an
abstract. You
can find the Call for Papers at
and quoted below.
See you at Fosdem!
Kind regards,
Peter V.
Second Ruby and Rails devroom at Fosdem (Brussels, 7 Feb 2009)
After last year’s enormous interest, The Belgian Ruby U. Group
http://www.rubyist.be/ organizes the second Ruby and Rails devroom at
Fosdem 2009 (Brussels, 7 February 2009). We are calling on presenters
to propose an abstract for a presentation in the Ruby and Rails devroom.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Ruby
- Tutorials (installation, basic Ruby, advanced Ruby, metaprogramming,
DSLs, testing, design patterns, Rubygems, C-extensions, GUI
multi-processing/multi-threading…) - New developments (Ruby 1.9, JRuby, IronRuby, …)
- Important/interesting libraries (your own, other’s, HOWTOs, demos,
…) - Technical showcases (interesting applications of Ruby, challenges,
solutions, …) - …
- Rails
- Tutorials (installation, basic/advanced web app design, good
practices, …) - New developments (Rails 2.1/2.2, Phusion Passenger, RubyEE,
cloud computing, …) - Important/interesting plugins (your own, other’s, HOWTOs, demos, …)
- Technical showcases (interesting applications of Rails,
challenges, solutions, …) - …
You can view last year’s program at
http://wiki.rubyist.be/wiki/show/FosdemDevroom2008AceptedPapers to get
an idea.
We accept 25 minute and 50 minute talks and tutorials, but we are not
strict on this
so please indicate the preferred length of your talk/tutorial in your
proposal. We may
still slightly adjust this length depending on the response we
receive. We would like
to ask you to include a short bio when you submit your proposal. This
bio will
appear on the Fosdem website and should consist of a single sentence
and an extended description; examples can be found in last year’s
http://archive.fosdem.org/2008/schedule/events .
Please send your abstract to [email protected] before Monday 5
January 2009.
It will be reviewed by the program committee and you will receive a
decision by
Friday 9 January 2009 if your presentation is accepted.
The program committee that will evaluate the proposals is comprised of:
Tom Klaasen (10to1, tom AT 10to1 . be)
Peter V. (XaoP, peter AT xaop . com)
Peter V. (peter AT vandenabeele . com)
Entrance to the Fosdem conference and devrooms is entirely free.
Sorry, we cannot
give any travel grants to foreign visitors (local hospitality with one
of the organizers is
possible to save hotel costs). In past years, approx. 2,000 people
visited the Fosdem
conference. More information on Fosdem can be found at
http://www.fosdem.org/ .
For all further information, check this page:
http://wiki.rubyist.be/wiki/show/FosdemDevRoom2009 .