Searching through HABTM

I have a model “story” that habtm genres (model - genre, table -
genres, join_table genres_stories). How do I look for a story of a
certain genre in a find condition?


I have a model “story” that habtm genres (model - genre, table -
genres, join_table genres_stories). How do I look for a story of a
certain genre in a find condition?

story = Story.find(42)
genres = story.find_all_by_name(‘whimsy’)
more_genres = story.find(:all, :conditions = ‘name like “whim%”’)

Now read

there’s a reason that page lists all the various (mostly boring) methods
that automatically get generated when you add an association!

I may be misunderstanding what you are saying, but what I am looking
to do is essentially:
stories = Story.find_all_by_genres(“GENRE”)
where genres has a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship to story.


On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 12:38 AM, Jables [email protected] wrote:

class Story < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :genres

class Genre < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :stories


Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby

Thanks for the info guys,
Genre.find_by_name(“genre”).stories is close to what I want. Let me
make it a bit more complex though now:
I want to be able to take those stories of a certain genre and order
them by rating or post date, and filter them by another factor which
is category (and maybe even another parameter). So Story also HABTM
categories and has a rating/post_date parameter. As the number of
stories in a genre is going to grow largely it seems wildly
inefficient to take the array of all the stories then increment though
each one check to see if it is in the right category and sorting by
date. What I really need is something like:

Story.find_by_genre_and_category_and_anotherthing(“genre”, “category”,
“anotherthing”, :conditions => “post_date < somedate”, :order =>
“rating DESC”)

Anybody have any ideas?


Story.find_by_genre_and_category_and_anotherthing(“genre”, “category”,
“anotherthing”, :conditions => “post_date < somedate”, :order =>
“rating DESC”)

Looks good. Try .find_all_by_…

If anotherthing is in another table, you will need to :include =>
:anotherthings, and you can’t use an automatic method named and.

On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 11:54 AM, Rick DeNatale
[email protected] wrote:


Of course, that should have been something like


Assuming that Genre has a name attribute.

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby

The problem I have is that f.find_all_by_ doesn’t work. I have tried
find_all_by_genre and I get:
undefined method `find_all_by_genre’
I tried find_all_by_genre(“GENRE”, :include => :genres and no dice.

If anotherthing is in another table, you will need to :include =>
:anotherthings, and you can’t use an automatic method named and.

Read it again.

The problem I have is that f.find_all_by_ doesn’t work. I have tried
find_all_by_genre and I get:
undefined method `find_all_by_genre’
I tried find_all_by_genre(“GENRE”, :include => :genres and no dice.