I have these models:
User, field “mundane_name”
user has_one :instructor_profile (may or may not exist)
instructor_profile, field “sca_name”
belongs_to :user
I would like to craft a search on these fields, which is effectively
but in one go:
matching_users = User.where(“mundane_name ILIKE ?”, “%#{target}%”)
matching_profiles = InstructorProfile.where(“sca_name ILIKE ?”,
(matching_users + matching_profiles).uniq
However, I’m having problems formulating the query. Not all users have
profile, so some of the joins techniques would not work as they would
search a user if a profile existed as well.
Any suggestions?
On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Michael G. [email protected]
I would like to craft a search on these fields, which is effectively this,
search a user if a profile existed as well.
Any suggestions?
Stupid question of the evening: Do users that don’t have profiles have
They might, but I don’t care. 
For instructors, they are required. For others, not required since we
never present them in print (yea, print) or bits. Also, the
instructor_profile sca_name is really more of a “how do you want to be
listed in the class listing we publish?” more so than “what’s your SCA
On 5 March 2013 21:48, Michael G. [email protected] wrote:
I have these models:
User, field “mundane_name”
user has_one :instructor_profile (may or may not exist)
instructor_profile, field “sca_name”
belongs_to :user
Are you sure you want separate models for these? I am always
suspicious when I see has_one. Often it is much easier just to
combine the tables into one and leave irrelevant fields empty. If
“instructor” is a role that certain players have then it might also be
worth looking at the cancan gem.
I admit I’m finding has_one to be a pain overall, since I end up having
check if it exists before pulling fields from it. Perhaps the simple,
direct solution is just to move all these fields onto the user model,
add a flag to indicate if the user is an instructor, which guarantees
fields have been properly populated, and is quite easy to validate in
Thanks for telling me something that I had considered before, but fought
against for some silly reason, is likely the right answer.