Searching for Typo info?

Has anyone crafted any bookmarks, Firefox search queries, etc. to search
information about Typo? It’s pretty hard, since “Typo” is a common word.

So far, I find myself doing something like

%s typo (ruby OR rails OR blog) -“a typo” -“some typos” -“fix typo”
-“fix typos”

There’s a new Google Custom Search Engine feature; it’s kinda limited,
it allows collaborative vertical search (including a Google Marker
bookmarklet to add a site to the search)… I might play with it if
done this already.

Jay L.

On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 1:40 AM, Jay L. [email protected] wrote:

bookmarklet to add a site to the search)… I might play with it if nobody’s
done this already.

One on our problem is we have a name near to Typo3 the bad CMS.